Graham Wallas Bibliography
Articles and Books by
Graham Wallas
Original publication information is given for each of Wallas's books. Reprints and digital versions are available for many of them.
Schulze-Gaevernitz, G., Wicksteed, C. M., & Wallas, G. (1893). Social peace: A study of the trade union movement. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.
Wallas, G. (1892, December). The story of eleven days (May 7th-18th, 1832). The Fortnightly Review, 767-779.
Wallas, G. (1898). The life of Francis Place, 1771-1854. London: Longmans, Green, and Co.
Wallas, G. (1908). Human nature and politics. London: A. Constable Co., Ltd.
Wallas, G. (1914). The universities and the nation in America and England. The Contemporary Review, 105, 783-790.
Wallas, G. (1915, September 11). Comment on “The Peacefulness of War.” The New Republic, pp. 154-155.
Wallas, G. (1915, November 6). Mobilizing the administration. The New Republic, pp. 12-14.
Wallas, G. (1916, June 24). Socialism and the Fabian Society. The New Republic, pp. 203-204.
Wallas, G. (1917, January 27). The Eastern question. The New Republic, pp. 348-349.
Wallas, G. (1917, September 8). Effective social research. The New Republic, pp. 156-157.
Wallas, G. (1914). The great society. London: Macmillan Company Ltd.
Wallas, G. (1921). Our social heritage. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.
Wallas, G. (1923). Jeremy Bentham. Polical Science Quarterly, 38, 45-56.
Wallas, G. (1926). The art of thought. London: Jonathan Cape.
Wallas, G. (1926). Bentham as a political inventor. The Contemporary Review, 129, 308-319.
Wallas, G. (1928). Government: Inaugural address to the Institute of Public Administration.
Wallas, G. (1934). Social Judgment. London: G. Allen & Unwin, Ltd.
Articles and Books about
Graham Wallas
This list includes books,articles published in scholarly journals, book reviews, and newspaper
articles about Wallas.
Bevir, M. (1997). Reputations: Graham Wallas today. The Political Quarterly, 68, 284-292.
Chapman, D. (1950). Graham Wallas and the study of social problems. Occupational Psychology, 24, 160-167.
Clark, E. (1926, June). Thinking: An art: Mr. Wallas makes some concrete proposals. Review of The art of thought. New York Times, p. B6.
Clarke, P. (1980, October). A rather forgettable Fabian? Review of Graham Wallas and the Great Society. History Today, p. 62.
Kallen, H. M. (1923). Political science as psychology. The American Political Science Review, 17, 181-203.
Kang, S. (1979). Graham Wallas and liberal democracy. The Review of Politics, 41, 536-560.
M. M. (1927). The art of thought. Public Administration, 5, 114-115.
MacIver, R. M. (1915). Reviews: The great society. The Sociological Review, a8, 54-56.
New York Times. (1896, December 27). English social problems: Graham Wallas to lecture on them in this country. The New York Times, p. 7.
New York Times. (1909, June 26). Civic science and psychology. The New York Times, p. BR400.
New York Times. (1913, August 3). Analyzes social growth: Graham Wallas has almost completed” a work on organized society. The New York Times, p. C2.
New York Times. (1914, June 14). Important publications promised for the summer. The New York Times, p. BR280.
New York Times. (1914, July 19). “The Great Society”: Mr. Graham Wallas's psychological analysis of some of the current theories of moralists and economists. The New York Times, p. BR313.
New York Times. (1921, October 2). Soviet backsliding. The New York Times, p. 26.
New York Times. (1926, September 16). Sick men rule world, says London writer: Graham Wallas in Vienna lecture urges study of leaders from pathological viewpoint. The New York Times, p. 20.
Peeling, H. (1981). Review of Graham Wallas and The Great Society.
Porter, R. B. (1928, August 5). Rational politics by experts urged: Dr. Wallas of London offers principles to cure ills of democratic rule. The New York Times, p. 18.
Porter, R. B. (1928, August 16). 'Highbrows' praised as political aids: Dr. Wallas at Williamstown says experts fill a vitual government need. The New York Times, p. 9.
Qualter, T. H. (1959). The manipulation of popular impulse: Graham Wallas revisited. Journal of Economics and Political Science, 25, 165-173.
Stamp, J. Webb, S. (Lord Passfield), Laski, H. J., & Beveridge, W. (1932). Graham Wallas: Address given at the London School of Economics and Political Science, October 19, 1932. Economica, 38, 395-412.
Rivett, K. (1951). Graham Wallas. The Australian Quarterly, 23, 93-102.
W. H. B., H. D., & H. J. L. (1923). Graham Wallas. Economica, 9, 169-170.
Washington Post. (1932, August 11). Dr. Graham Wallas dies at 74. The Washington Post, p. 7.