Welcome to the web site of Dr. Lynn Winters
Purchase College, The State University of New York

My Research Interests

I am currently an Associate Professor Emerita, having retired from my teaching position at Purchase College. My primary area of interest is cognitive psychology, and I am particularly interested in research on creativity, mental imagery, and spatial cognition. Much of my research was done with Purchase Psychology majors, who complete a year-long research project and write a senior thesis as part of their degree requirements. For more information about the Psychology program at Purchase College, visit the Psychology Home Page.

Current Projects:

I have also done some historical research on Graham Wallas. Although a prominent figure in social research in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Wallas seems to be best known among psychologists for his book, The Art of Thought. My research explores the reasons why Wallas, a professor of political science and a founding faculty member of the London School of Economics, wrote a book about creative thinking, and examines the sources he used in developing his ideas about encouraging and improving innovative thinking.

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This site was updated last on March 22, 2023